The New Work living solution

Your back-to-office strategy
for employees and to attract new talent.

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Hybrid work needs hybrid living - the FlexHome for weekenders

Employment relationships are changing and with them the housing situation for employees. The home office has not only grown in necessity over the pandemic years, but also in popularity. The new way of working is spreading across the labor market, as independent division of labor brings some advantages. More and more employees tend to work hybrid hours and locations, the 5-day week in the office has become obsolete for many. 
Commuting has now become an integral part of the working world. Weekend commuters regularly move between two locations, and daily commuters are constantly on their way to work. The question that comes up is always the same: Is renting a commuter room, or even an entire commuter apartment, worth it? What is clear is that there is currently no adequate housing concept for either weekenders or spontaneous commuters. A second home at high prices and obligations is still widespread here. Is there a more practical option for short-term living?

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Choose from 4 to 16 nights per month and book all your nights with just one click.

Flexible living

Stay flexible and save money instead of paying rent every month.